On the Horizon
Hi! You might’ve noticed that it’s been rather quiet around this space — and that’s in large part due to me putting almost all of my time and strength into a new endeavor. Long Way Around is a series of in-depth articles about all the history surrounding Blackbeard and his crew; its partly reportage, partly history, and partly its own thing, because who doesn’t love a good genre-buster?
Have no fear, Thistle & Sun isn’t going anywhere for the moment! Long Way Around is an extension of the overall mission to find and tell stories, revealing in their everyday nature while also enjoying the surprises that human beings bring to the table (and boy, does the Blackbeard story have some surprises to it). If you’re interested in a good old-fashioned yarn that involves piracy, government intrigue, wild folklore, and a fraught shipwreck recovery, I’m releasing the articles to the subscriber’s inboxes once a month, starting August 28th, and finishing April 2021. I’d love to have you along!
Access to all published issues here. More about the series here.